






2024-01-05/ 裕华信息港/ 查看: 214/ 评论: 10

raise      [reɪz] 
She raised her fingers to her lips as a sign for silence.她把手指举到嘴唇上示意别说话。
How were they going to raise enough money for it?他们怎样来为此筹集足够的资金呢?
raise 及物动词,后面一定要加宾语。指“提起,使升高”。例如:If you have any question, please raise your hands.如果你们有任何问题,请举手示意。
rise 不及物动词,后面不能加宾语。指“上升,升高,上涨”。例如:The sun rises in the east.太阳从东方升起。
短语:1.raise one’s eyes 举目观看
      2.raise one’s voice against sb/sth坚决的发言而反对某人或某事物。

ready   ['redɪ]
adj. (-ier -iest) 有准备的;乐意的
►He was always ready to help his friends.他总是乐于帮助朋友。[be ready to do sth.乐于做某事]
►They are ready for the competition.他们做好了比赛的准备。[be ready for sth.为......而准备好]

real    [riːl] 
No, it wasn't a dream. It was real.不,它不是一个梦,它是真实的。 
e.g. I’m real sorry.  我非常抱歉
词型转换:realism 现实主义  realist 现实主义者 realistic 现实主义的reality真实性

realise ['rɪəlaɪz] (realize) (不用于被动语态) 
He didn’t realise how late it was.他并没有意识到已经有多晚了。
近义词辨析:realize / understand
e.g. You don’t understand / realize what a difficult position I’m in. 

I fell in love with the Little Free Library concept years ago on vacation. The concept of free literature-sharing boxes posted in neighborhoods and public spaces hooked me. For a booklover, this represented bliss (快乐),At home, my bedside table sprouts (长出)books and from the floor rises a mountainous to-be-read pile. My husband wasn't the least bit surprised when I suggested starting our own Little Free Library. As a writer and introvert(内向的人), I welcomed the idea of saying hello to other booklovers on occasion.
The following winter, my husband built a copy of our Irish garden shed (棚屋)with a framed glass door on the front and, in the spring, mounted (安装)it on a post in front of our house. We filled the shelves with books, and since then, visitors have refilled them with literary fiction, romances, mysteries, science fiction, cowboy westerns, young-adult fiction, poetry, how-to's, self-help and a range of other nonfiction.
For a time after COVID-19 first struck, public libraries shut down, and Amazon prioritized the delivery of essential and high-demand items. Books were less easily attained. Traffic to our library increased. I posted reminders about hand washing, and still, readers kept coming.
  We wondered if we should close the Little Free Library and revisited (再次讨论)our original motivations for hosting it: to facilitate the exchange of books, to create a sense of community. Reading provides the necessary relief to the emotional crush (压力)of life. With this in mind, we added a written reminder on staying safe in the library.
Through my teens, reading transported me to other places and eras. Books taught me about life and how people overcame adversity (逆境), I no longer felt alone in the things I struggled against.
Aside from the entertainment books offer, studies show that reading exposes us to other cultures and perspectives. Literature sheds light on the justice to be found in social inclusion and community cohesion (凝聚).Self-esteem and understanding grow in equal measure as we come to understand ourselves and our place in the world.
During this pandemic, the Little Free Library has reinforced the importance of literature and reading to our emotional and mental health. It's become an alternate means of creating a community of people with mutual regard for humanity and the written word. We are together even when apart,
41. What attracted the author to host the Little Free Library?
A. The emotional crush of life,
B. The free literature-sharing concept.
C. The sense of self-esteem and social justice.
D. The importance of exchanging books with each other.
42. What is the husband's attitude toward building the Little Free
A. Objective.  B. Supportive.   C. Indifferent    D. Doubtful.
43. What happened to the author's Little Free Library during the pandemic?
A. It was not allowed to be used.
B. The number of books' dropped sharply.
C. It was getting more popular than before.
D. Readers questioned the motivations for hosting it.
44. What can we learn from Paragraph 5?
A. How reading shaped the author*s growth.
B. How we facilitated the exchange of books.
C. How the Little Free Library further developed.
D. How literature played a role in community building,
45. What is the benefit of the Little Free Library during the pandemic? 
A. It has offered solutions to the pandemic.
B. It has relieved the pressure of public libraries.
C. It has exposed readers to foreign perspectives.
D. It has helped create a united and cohesive community.





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