





The two biggest hobbies

2022-12-17/ 裕华信息港/ 查看: 214/ 评论: 10

I love watching movies. The two biggest hobbies in my life are watching movies and eating hot pot. For me, the best way to relax is to watch movies at home

On average, I will watch three to five movies a week, and the high score films of Douban are almost finished

(In fact, the rating of Douban is only a reference, not the only criterion for evaluating a movie. Take movies and TV plays for example, some ratings are obviously too high, while others are underestimated, such as Heart Maze and Chasing Murderers in the Night These, I admit, are better than ordinary domestic dramas, but are they really worth such high marks? In my opinion, movies and TV plays with more than 8.5 points must meet three conditions: 1. The plot is complete, logical, bug free, and story telling.

2. Actors should fully integrate into their roles from the inside out.

3. The production is excellent, the editing is smooth, the picture is beautiful, and the music is just right. If the theme can be thought-provoking and sublimated again, it will get 9 points. According to my standards, Douban's rating of some films and TV plays is not accurate enough.

Alas... Yes, you can write a special issue of the films that are overestimated or underestimated next time...)

So believe me, when it comes to movies, I'm no worse than a professional film critic. (After all, there is only one hobby left in life...)

Dangdangdangdang, now I would like to recommend some movies that I like very much. (Finally, I got to the point... try not to be a spoiler)

Suspense/thriller/crime/heavy taste/category (this type of movie is my favorite!)

Invisible Guests

Score of watercress: 8.8

movies https://www.99reel.com
Release time: 2017

Region: Spain

Where to look: Tencent, Youku

One sentence comment: every routine, multiple flips, quite wonderful!





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